Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Changing the Title Block of An Existing Drawing in Fusion 360

You have a finished a set of 2D drawings that need to be re-issued with a new title block.  You do not want to have to recreate the drawing on a new template, the title block is the only thing you need to change.  In this short video, I will show you the process of changing an existing title block with a few short steps.

NOTE: This process is not possible if you are using a Fusion 360 Personal License.

I would like to thank Guenther Andresen for sharing this tip.


Sunday, June 18, 2023

Creating Lofts Using Mapped Points in Fusion 360

Lofting can often be a tedious and challenging process.  There are two traditional methods of lofting between two planes, using a center line or rails.  In this short video I would like to show you a method that is not so familiar, Lofting using mapped points.  I must emphasize this method does not work well when lofting between three or more planes but for two parallel or close to parallel, it is fast and easy.

Creating Complex Sheet Metal Cutouts in Fusion 360

You are sometimes faced with creating a cutout in sheet metal through multiple thicknesses and bends.  Normally you would Unfold command on the sheet metal body, sketch on the flat, Extrude and Refold the layout but in this case lining up the multiple sketches will be difficult if not impossible.  In this short video I will show you how to use a surface to easily create a perfect cutout.