Wednesday, August 23, 2023

How to Curve a Graphic Sketch in Fusion 360

There are times when you have a model that requires a logo or design that in not linear in shape but all you can find is a logo that is linear.  In this short video I step through one process of taking an existing graphic and curving it to match my model.  I used a SVG file but any sketch that can be extruded can be used.  This includes simple text. 

Monday, August 14, 2023

Simple Editing in Fusion 360

When editing complex models in Fusion 360 it can often be a challenge to find the feature profile sketch or the feature you want to edit.  This can be in your models or models created by others you need to edit.  In this short video I want to introduce you to the Edit Profile Sketch and Edit Feature command located on the right click context menu.