Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Organizing Your Fusion 360 Assembly By Dragging Components

 After you have finished your Autodesk Fusion 360 assembly model, often you may realize that your components need to be organized into sub-assemblies.  This may seem like a task you should have done as your were creating your assembly and may seem impossible to re-organize now.  This video will show you have to perform this task with ease and also present some other benefits of using this method.


Monday, December 14, 2020

Milestones - Capturing Design History in a Fusion Team Environment

When working on designs, in a team environment, it is important to have the ability to lock a design at a certain revision level to prevent change but also to have to ability to move forward with the design for other uses or other customers.  This is where Fusion 360 Milestones becomes such a very valuable tool.  In this video I will illustrate how Milestones are used to lock down a Fusion 360 design for shipment but give the ability to move forward with assembly design changes.  At any time the Milestone can be opened in a read-only state for proof of shipment design.