Sunday, May 14, 2017

Part Modeling Mirror Command Improvement in Inventor 2018

This will be a quick article to call your attention to a very nice addition to the "Mirror" command in the part modeling environment of Inventor 2018.  Most all experienced Inventor modelers always design their parts around the origin point so they can take advantage of the default origin places for various operations.  This especially is true when using the "Mirror" command.

The process went something like this, select the feature(s) you wanted to mirror and then the "Mirror" command.  Of course you can reverse the process of selection, it is all a matter of your operational taste.  Then you expanded the Origin folder in the browser and selected the origin plane you are mirroring the feature(s) about.  

Well the origin planes selection icons have been added to the command dialog making it a much smoother process.  The "Mirror" command dialog box is both Inventor 2018 and Inventor 2017 are shown below.


  1. Sir I want to learn Ilogic from basics, could you share any tutorial regarding that. Thanks.

  2. AKS,
    I would first search Inventor help for iLogic help and tutorials. In Inventor 2018, iLogic help falls under "Configuration". Next I would search the internet for iLogic examples that interest you, open them up in the iLogic editor and study the function of each line. It is much easier to learn this way then trying to write code from a blank sheet.
